OHC: Research and documentation

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Revision as of 00:14, 9 August 2008 by Pete Forsyth (talk | contribs) (add notes from AboutUs page)
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Existing Wikipedia projects to tap into:

Wikipedia articles:

Legislators and influential public figures:

Recent legislative efforts:

Random notes:

Pete's notes

These notes are older and less organized -- should be incorporated into what's above.

Project: Organize efforts to document historical policy context. Create a page that links to existing resources, and identifies those that we should be contributing to (like Wikipedia articles). Write a list of priorities for documentation.

People and lists to notify for Sept:

  • Christina (doctor)
  • Joe (doctor)
  • Bus project
  • A legislator or three: Ginny Burdick, Mitch Greenlick? Ben Cannon? Wyden staff? Merkley or Smith campaign?
  • Wendi

I'm working on the Oregon Health Plan article on Wikipedia, trying to improve my understanding of recent legislative and policy history. May branch out to other articles, but for now that seems like a good place to build up content. Help is welcome!

Also, I created a page for the text of the Healthy Oregon Act. It's just in plain text on the official page; let's wiki it up so it's more accessible.

QUESTION -- what is the relationship between the Oregon Better Health Act (SB 27 of 2007, did not pass) and the Healthy Oregon Act (SB 329 of 2007, passed)

  • Archimedes Movement initiated OBHA, who initiated HOA?
  • What was the timing -- did HOA arise due to the failure of OBHA?
  • What were the substantive differences between them? Why did one pass, while the other failed?